Faculty/Staff Resources
Fulbright College Personnel Document
Department of History Personnel Document
University Policies on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure:
UA System Board Policy 405.1 (Appointment, Promotion, Tenure)
- UA Campus Academic Policy 1405.11 (Evaluative Criteria, Procedures, and General Standards for Appointment, Annual Review, Promotion, and Tenure)
- UA Campus Academic Policy 1405.13 (Guidelines for University and Distinguished Professor Appointments)
What do I need to provide to get a reimbursement?
- Itemized Receipt
- Cost Center Number or Name of account the money is to come from
- Detailed purpose of the expense
- For meal reimbursements, you must also have a complete list of who attended (name, title, affiliation).
What is the maximum amount of tips allowed on meals?
- No more than 20%
Please read through the University's official Travel Guide before you begin planning your trip. All official University travel is governed by the provisions of the State Travel Regulations.
I am travelling internationally. Do I need to do anything different?
- If you travel outside of the United States on a U of A related activity, you must register your trip with the Study Abroad Office BEFORE submitting a travel authorization: https://studyabroad.uark.edu/faculty-and-advisors/employee-travel-registration.php
What if I want to rent a car?
- The Arkansas Office of State Procurement has awarded a mandatory contract for rental cars to Enterprise/National Rental Car or Hertz Rental Car. When renting a vehicle for University business departments are required to use this contract (including all business-related travel for employees, guests, and students). The contract rate is also offered for personal use to University Employees (please note insurance coverage does not apply for personal rentals).
Are there any options for extra travel funds besides those given by Fulbright College?
UA Provost Office Travel Assistance Program
Why should I turn in a TA form before travelling?
- If you turn in your TA form before traveling, you will be covered by the University’s group accident insurance policy and it SPEEDS up the time it takes the Travel Department to reimburse the your claim by about two days.
Can I turn in my credit card receipt to show proof of payment for my lodging expense?
- A credit card receipt or a reservation confirmation notice are not acceptable. You must turn in an itemized receipt for your lodging expense in order for the Travel Department to reimburse the traveler for her/his lodging expense.
If I want the Travel Department to reimburse my airfare expense, what should I provide?
- You must provide the full itinerary including the passenger name, date of travel, date and proof of purchase, seat class, and any service fees associated with the ticket purchase (Note: a confirmation notice is not an acceptable documentation).
I want to include a personal day while traveling for business purposes. Will the Travel Department reimburse me for the entire trip?
- In order for a traveler to be reimbursed for their entire trip, the Travel Department requires that the traveler must have a printed potential itinerary for the business travel dates only and then another potential itinerary showing the expense of both the business travel along with their personal day for comparison. Note: Whichever airfare is the least amount of money, will be the amount that the Travel Department will allow the traveler to claim.
What if I'm attending a conference that requires a membership and/or registration payment?
- For the Travel Department to reimburse you for a membership fee, the membership fee must be purchased in conjunction with a registration fee. If you are required to pay for a membership, fill out a Membership Justification Form and submit an itemized receipt along with your other receipts. If you are required pay a registration fee, turn in an itemized receipt that shows you have paid for your registration fee.
If I'm attending a conference outside of the United States. What does the Travel Department require before approving my TA form?
- Make sure you have registered your foreign travel with the Study Abroad Office before you turn in your TA. Otherwise, the Travel Department will not approve your TA until you have registered. This will delay the time it takes the Travel Department to approve your foreign travel and therefore your reimbursement.
- Fill out the Foreign Travel Export Control Form.
- *NOTE* You MUST do all of the above BEFORE you travel and BEFORE any expenses can be purchased on your behalf. Due to changes in the process for international travel, it has become more difficult to get reimbursed if you notify the department AFTER you travel internationally; therefore, HIST will NOT process your travel if you fail to notify Melinda beforehand. Please contact her if you have any questions.
I'm attending a conference that is for one-day only (meaning no overnight stay). Will the Travel Department reimburse me for meals?
- The Travel Department is no longer reimbursing meals for one-day trips. Exception: If the meal is an official business function, then you are required to turn in a Official Function Form in order to be reimbursed for the official business function expense.
What are the allowable expenses the Travel Department will approve when requesting a travel advance?
- Allowable expenses includes anticipated meals and lodging expenses, anticipated mileage expense, anticipated taxi fares, anticipated car rental expense, and other miscellaneous requests such as parking, tolls, and fuel for the rental car.
Am I allowed to drive instead flying to a destination farther than eight hours away?
- Possibly. First you must provide a complete explanation as to why you drove to your destination instead of flying. If the reason is due to cost, you must provide documentation of how much the airfare for the exact dates of travel would have cost. You will be reimbursed for the lower of the two costs.
Can one traveler pay for another travelers’ expenses?
- One traveler cannot pay for another travelers’ expenses without prior approval. In addition, each traveler must fill out a TA form and then explain the distribution of the expenses with itemized receipts.
What should I keep in mind if I have asked for a travel advance?
- All employees and students who request travel advances must sign a Travel Advance Agreement Form and pickup his/her check at the Treasurer's Department.
- A travel advance is a direct loan to the you and must be repaid in full, either by the processing of the travel claim where the amount to be reimbursed exceeds the travel advance, or by repayment of any travel advance amount still owed after reimbursement. Any portion of the travel advance that is lost or stolen is your responsibility.
What receipts am I required to turn in when I return from my trip?
- Make sure to turn in itemized receipts showing proof of payment.
- Lodging (itemized receipt). Neither a credit card receipt nor a reservation confirmation notice is acceptable documentation.
- Commercial Airfare: The complete itinerary with passenger name, dates of travel, proof of purchase, number of legs, seat class, and any service fees associated with ticket purchase. (Note: a confirmation notice is not acceptable documentation).
- Registration Fee (Note: reservation confirmation notice is not acceptable documentation).
- Membership Fee (Note: make sure to turn in a “Membership Justification Form”).
- Car Rental
- Taxi (when cost exceeds $25) and shuttle
- Fuel (when renting a car or in lieu of claiming mileage)
- Parking
- Bag Fees
- Meals that qualify under the “Official Function” policy (Remember to turn in an Official Business Justification Form).
- Communication Fees (Internet and phone usage)
Since the Travel Department wants to know where I am going and whatI am doing while on travel, what is a sufficient way of providing the information needed to explain the purpose of travel?
- If you are presenting a paper at a conference, say, “Presenting a paper at the American Historical Association on a panel entitled “Learning to Love the History of Basket weaving.”
- If you are doing research somewhere say, “Conducting research at the American Federation of Basket Weaving at the National Archive in New York City for a book project entitled” Basket Weaving and America.”
What if I do not know the cost center account number that will be funding my trip?
- You do not need the exact account number; just say my “RIF Account” or “Fulbright Travel Award.” If the trip exceeds the money awarded to the traveler, say “My Fulbright Award” and the remainder from my “RIF Account.”
Will the Travel Department reimburse my baggage fees?
- Yes, but reimbursement for baggage fees are limited to one bag per trip.
What do I need to be able to be reimbursed my baggage fee?
- A baggage receipt that includes the baggage fee amount along with proof of payment.
If I checked TWO bags, is there any way I can get reimbursed for the extra one?
- When you have more than one bag, you must provide a detailed explanation as to why you required more than the allowed bag.
- Only those situations where additional materials were required for the event will be allowable.
What If I rented a car but didn’t use the mandated rental contracts used by the University of Arkansas (Enterprise, National or Hertz)?
- You must supply justification for doing so. Justification can only be that NO Enterprise, National or Hertz location exists at the destination or a car was not available. Price is not a justifiable reason. In addition, any payments for insurance and roadside assistance are not reimbursable---using the state mandated contract includes full insurance on the vehicle.
Will the Travel Department reimburse my laundry expenses?
- No.
When I fly out of XNA, where should I park?
- The University only reimburses for economy and long-term parking.
What are the reimbursement policies for meals while traveling?
- You can choose either the Federal-per diem rate (which includes meals, incidentals
as taxi and coat check tips) OR can provide itemized receipts.
- Note: The travel department only allows you to claim UP TO 75% of the meal expense on
the first and last day of travel
- Breakfast can be claimed if you leave prior to 6:30 AM.
- Lunch may be claimed if the employee leaves prior to 11:30 AM or returning after 12:30 PM.
- Dinner can be claimed if the employee leaves prior to 5:00 PM or when returning after 6:30 PM.
- Note: If choosing to supply itemized receipts:
- Tips cannot exceed 15% for regular travel
- Exception – While on a group trip, tips can exceed 15 %, as long as the group can provide an itemized meal receipt for the entire group.
- Note: The travel department only allows you to claim UP TO 75% of the meal expense on
the first and last day of travel
Blackboard Help Desk-If you have questions, or Blackboard Learn is not responding, contact the Blackboard
Learn Help Desk at 479-575-7252 or bbhelp@uark.edu.
Monday through Thursday, 7:00am to 10:00pm
Friday, 7:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday, 11:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday, 6:00pm to 11:00pm
After Hours Support - call 575-2904 to alert technical staff if Blackboard Learn is
not responding. Limited technical support and troubleshooting is also available after
Change Grades-Instructions for changing grades in UAConnect.
Teaching Innovation & Pedagogical Support (TIPS) Site-is a support site for faculty who use technology in teaching face-to-face, blended and online courses. The site contains best practice information and step-by-step instructions for topics including BlackBoard Learn, creating and streaming video, web-conferencing, online proctoring, creating accessible content, and course design. The site also provides a calendar of workshops, technology training dates and faculty development events.
UAConnect Help Center for Faculty-Help Centers are based on the needs of the various end users.
Here is a PowerPoint template with the History Department logo on all pages.
The History Department's conference room is available for classes, meetings, dissertations, make-up testing, etc. Please use this form to request a scheduled date.