The Ozark Historical Review

Published by the Department of History, The Ozark Historical Review offers the University of Arkansas‘s top history students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels a chance to showcase their original research and historiographic investigations.

Published in the Spring semester, submissions and queries should be directed to the editor, Justin Gage. All submissions will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which includes Professors Matthew E. Stanley, Jared Phillips, and Jeannie Whayne. Please read the OHR guidelines for submissions and the timeline for publication.


The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 51, SPRING 2024

  • "Into the Canebrakes: Arkansas and the NAACP's Campaign for a Federal Anti-Lynching Law," Mary Claire Durr, 1
  • "Failures in Federal Responses to Natural Disasters Along the Mississippi River," Alex McEachern, 16
  • "Women and Religion in the Mongol Empire," Karlie Barnett, 29

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 50, SPRING 2022

  • "Disruptions and Continuity in the Singaporean Chinese Community: Social Networks, Collaborationists, and the Black Market under the British and Japanese Administrations, 1819-1960," Alison Fong, 1
  • "The International Perception of the Irish Republican Army and Chechen Insurgency," Henry Forteith, 31
  • "Plastic Makes Perfect: An Analysis of Plastic Surgery as Rehabilitation in Early to Late 20th Century Prison Populations," Jack West, 73

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 49, SPRING 2021

  • "The Paper Brigade of Vilna," Maeghan O'Conner, 1
  • "Interservice Rivalry: Examining the Relationships Between the Intelligence Organizations of the Navy, the Army, and the OSS in China 1939-1943," Samuel G. Peterson, 14

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 48, SPRING 2020

  • "'A New Sensation': John Locke and the Sovereignty of God in Jonathan Edwards's Conception of the New Birth," Jacob Huneycutt, 1
  • "Contextualizing Egyptian-Themed Art in Pompeiian Shops," Kelsey Myers, 8

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 47, SPRING 2019

  • "Fires and Protests of Peace: The Catholic Anti-War Movement in Sixties America," Casey Self, 1
  • "Consumptive Vampires: Notes on Nineteenth-Century Blood-Drinkers," Rachel Widmer, 13
  • "Access Denied: The Poor's One-Hundred Year Long Fight for Judicial Equality," Austin Jones, 17
  • "Historical Note: The Capricious Nature of Privanzas in Habsburg Spain: 1556-1665," Nathan Harkey, 28

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 46, SPRING 2018

  • "Talking With Dragons: How Dragons Reveal the Hero's Heart," Anne Elese Crafton, 1
  • "Out of Orbit? European Space Collaboration in a Post-Brexit Europe," Colin Doege, 43

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 45, SPRING 2016

  • "Fashioning a Political Identity: French Women and the White Neoclassical Dress," Michele Dobbins, 1
  • "Divinity and Royalty in the Writings of Motoori Norinaga," Chad Totty, 17
  • "Reflections on the Veil: Tracing Blurred Boundaries of Politics and Desire in Vienna's Saturn-Films," Beth Withey, 31
  • "Encountering the Sublime: Early Hermit Lifeways, Visual-Spatial Worlds, and the Global Recluse," James Brown, 49
  • "The Onnagata: A Note Regarding the Male Actor of Female Roles in Japanese Theatre," John M. Metcalf, 63

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 44, SPRING 2015

  • "The Age of the Sporting, Soaplocks, and Separate Spheres," Mitchell Lohr, 1
  • "'The One Bright Spot Where All Else is Dark and Hopeless:' Images of Class, Race, and Culture in Britain's Imperial Education System During the Nineteenth Century," Jeff Grooms, 15
  • "Reagan, Thatcher, and the Diplomacy of SDI," Tim Anglea, 33
  • "Performing Piety, Commerce, and Community in the Medieval Italian Town," John D. Treat, 51

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 43, SPRING 2014

  • "Volkswagen and the Volksprodukte: The Failed Revolution in Production and Consumption in the Third Reich," Stuart Bailey, 1
  • "Tokugawa Nationalism: The Decline of Chûgoku and the Restoration of Traditional Identity," Chad Totty, 19 
  • "Retelling a Tale in Pictures: A Fusion of the Arts in a Medieval Emaki of the Japanese Court Romance Genji no monogatari 'Tale of Genji,'" Sheena Woods, 31
  • "Luxury: The Shifting Moral Perspective in Eighteenth-Century Netherlands," Meaghan Morelock, 51
  • "The Prophet's Medicine: How Mormon Doctrine and Medical Practices Evolved Along the American Frontier," Drew Robinson, 69

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 42, SPRING 2013

  • "Assertions of Monastic Identity and Power in the Cloister and Nave of St. Gall," John D. Treat, 1
  • "English King and German Commoner: An Exploration of Sixteenth Century Clothing and Identity," Bradley Moore, 13
  • "Images of Sacrifice: Religion, Power, and Colonial Ambition in the Americas," Louise Hancox, 59
  • "Britain and the Mediterranean: Empire and Culture in the Georgian-Victorian Era," James Brown, 83
  • "Humanitarian Intervention and Just War Theory," Nathaniel R. King, 99
  • "A Town Divided: Leadership at Hoxie, Rodney W. Harris, 117

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 41, SPRING 2012

  • "Creating the Thomas McRae Sanatorium for Negroes: Race, Contagion, and Space in Jim Crow Arkansas," Shauna Gibbons,1
  • "Escape from the 'Floating World': Kabuki Theater in Conflict with the Bakufu Government of Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868), 23
  • "Erotic Dream and Gvoernmental Nightmare: Use and Censorship of Pillow Books in Edo Culture and the Influence of the 'Floating World'," Emily Chase, 35
  • "An Assessment of Transformations in American and Canadian Women Homesteaders in the Mid-Nineteenth to Early Twentieth Century Wests," Rachel Albinson, 45
  • "The Metis and the Manifest Destiny of the Candian Northwest," Donald Holler, 67.

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 40, SPRING 2011

  • "The Buddhist recluse in the late Heian (794-1185) and early kamakura (1185-1333) periods as seent through Kamo-no-Chomei's Hojokiem> and the poems of Saigyo," Scott Lloyd, 1
  • "The 'Uniform Rule' and its exceptions: a history of Congressional naturalization legislation," Daniel Rice, 23

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 39, SPRING 2010

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 38, SPRING 2009

The Ozark Historical Review, VOLUME 37, SPRING 2008