Graduate assistantships are available to students of demonstrable ability. PhD assistantships carry a stipend of $12,700 for nine months and include a tuition waiver and subsidized student health insurance. Graduate Assistants are normally assigned as teaching and research assistants to faculty members for their first three years in the program and then begin to teach their own courses in subsequent years.
There are a very limited number of assistantships for MA students. MA Graduate Assistantships carry a stipend of $12,082 for nine months and include a tuition waiver and subsidized student health insurance. These students are normally assigned as graders in faculty taught classes.
Students should indicate their interest in an assistantship on their departmental application. All graduate assistantship appointments are contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a criminal background and sex offender registry check. Determination of satisfactory is at the sole discretion of the University. The graduate assistant cannot begin work until the background check has cleared.
Doctoral Academy Fellowships
The Graduate School’s DOCTORAL ACADEMY FELLOWSHIPS are for outstanding students who demonstrate great promise.. These awards provide a $18,500 supplement to the department’s graduate assistantship (for a total of $26,100 paid over twelve months including a tuition waiver and subsidized student health insurance). To qualify for one of these fellowships, the prospective Doctoral Academy Fellow must be awarded a graduate assistantship (deadline for application December 1), be nominated by the Department of History, and should fit the following profile:
- They should have completed an M.A. degree in history or closely related field at an established university with an excellent record. They should have completed their graduate level work with a GPA of 3.65 or better. Outstanding students who have completed a BA with a 3.8 GPA and Honor’s level achievement (i.e. written an exceptional Honor’s Thesis) may also be eligible.
- They should earn a GRE Verbal Reasoning score of 160 and 4.0 on the writing component.
- They should provide strong letters of recommendation testifying to the intelligence, imagination, diligence, responsibility, and general academic promise of the candidate.
- They should demonstrate some further indications of experience and activity in the historical profession, such as participation in meetings and conventions of historical organizations, membership in honors societies, and publication of papers.
Distinguished Doctoral Fellowships
The DISTINGUISHED DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS are for truly exemplary students who have already distinguished themselves in some fashion. These awards provide a $22,000 supplement to the department’s graduate assistantship (for a total of $36,100 paid over twelve months including a tuition waiver and subsidized student health insurance). To qualify for a Distinguished Doctoral Fellowship, the prospective student must be awarded a graduate assistantship (deadline for application December 1), be nominated by the Department of History, and should fit the following profile:
- They should have completed an M.A. degree in history or closely related field at an established university with an excellent record. They should have completed their graduate level work with a GPA of 3.85 or better.
- They should earn a GRE Verbal Reasoning score of 163 and a 4.5 on the writing component.
- They should provide outstanding letters of recommendation testifying to the superior intelligence, creative imagination, due diligence, mature responsibility, and the great academic promise of the candidate.
- They should demonstrate some further indications of experience and activity in the historical profession, such as participation in meetings and conventions of historical organizations, membership in honor societies, and publication of papers. In addition to having become a member of a historical organization or honor’s society, candidate should have served in some official capacity (i.e. on a committee, in an officer’s slot).
Chancellor's Graduate Student Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship (NRTS)
The University of Arkansas Graduate School offers Chancellor’s Graduate Student Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship (NRTS) for US citizens or permanent residents who are not Arkansas residents. This scholarship offers students an approximately 80% reduction of non-resident graduate tuition for the HIST MA Program. Students receive the scholarship if they have at least a 3.20 GPA on the last 60 hours of the BA degree or a cumulative 3.20 cumulative BA GPA.
Benjamin Franklin Lever Fellowship
The Benjamin Franklin Lever Fellowship is designed to enhance access to graduate education by providing financial assistance to students who meet one or more of the following criteria: have significant financial need, are first-generation college students, have a history of overcoming challenges, or originate from a geographic area that is less well-represented at the university. To accomplish these purposes, the program funds a limited number of fellowships to qualified incoming graduate students who enroll in an on-campus program at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville campus.
Please go to the Graduate School's funding page for further information.