
Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due March 1, 2025.

Blair Fellowships

The Diane D. Blair Center for the Study of Southern Politics and Culture offers fellowships of up to $6,000 to support research on southern history, politics, and culture. Diane D. Blair was a professor of political science whose work on southern politics and culture made a significant contribution to the historical profession.

George Billingsley Award for the Best Paper on a Middle Eastern or Asian Topic

Awarded to the best paper on an Asian or Middle East topic written by an undergraduate or graduate student during the previous calendar year. The decision of whom to award is guided by faculty recommendations.

The George William Ray Memorial Award

Awarded to an outstanding history majors of Junior or Senior standing or to a Graduate Student.  Awardee must have a GPA of 2.0 or above.

Gordon H. McNeil Award for the Outstanding Graduate Research Paper

Awarded to an undergraduate history major or graduate student for an outstanding paper in honor of Gordon H. McNeil, Professor of History, 1953-1981.

Ira Ray Rubinoff Award for Excellence in European History

In recognition of excellence in thesis research by an undergraduate or graduate student.

James J. Hudson Award for the Study of Military History

Given to a graduate or undergraduate student for superior performance in the study of military history in memory of James J. Hudson -- Professor of History, 1952-1986 and Dean of the Graduate School, 1972-1986.

James J. Hudson Research Fund

A stipend for graduate students who have completed the comprehensive exams with preference given to students working on a military history topic.

Jesse Taylor, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Award for an outstanding history graduate student or history major with preference given to graduate students.

Mary Hudgins Fellowship in Arkansas History

For undergraduate history majors or graduate students doing research in Arkansas History.

Mary Hudgins Arkansas History Research Fund

Awarded to history graduate students performing Arkansas history research and undergraduate students doing significant research in some field of Arkansas history.

Matthew B. Kirkpatrick Prize for excellence in History graduate teaching

The prize, established in 2008 in honor of Matthew B. Kirkpatrick, a graduate student in the department who was awarded a doctorate after his death in 2008, recognizes a graduate student who has demonstrated superior energy and dedication in teaching.

Oscar Fendler Award for the Best Paper on Arkansas or Southern History

Awarded for the best paper on an Arkansas or Southern history topic written by an undergraduate or a graduate student during the previous calendar year.

Ralph V. Turner Travel Award

An award for the support of travel, study, and research in England and/or Scotland by faculty and graduate students of the History Department.

Tim and Courtney Trylovich MD Endowed Travel Award for Excellence in European History

An excellence award in support of research travel of a graduate student or faculty member.

Walter Lee Brown Scholarship for Outstanding Research in Arkansas or American History

Given to an undergraduate or graduate student researching and writing an honors thesis in American history; or a graduate student researching and writing a master’s thesis or a dissertation in Arkansas or American History.

Willard B. Gatewood Graduate Fellowship in Southern History

Fellowship for the support of a graduate student who is researching/writing a dissertation on any topic of Southern History.

Willard B. Gatewood History Graduate Fellowship

Fellowship for support of Graduate Students who is researching/writing a dissertation on any topic of American history.